Fungiphilia Rising
I’m mushrooming out!
We sometimes overlook the mico in our world such as the fungi that live and grow in all sorts of environments. Fungi are organisms such as molds, mildews, mushrooms and yeast, and given the sheer number of species that exists they have been given their own kingdom: ‘The Kingdom of Fungi’. Mushrooms particularly have played a multifaceted role in our culture dating all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians believed mushrooms were the plant of immortality with only the Pharaohs allowed to eat them. In Mesoamerica there was a mushroom cult with many statues depicting humans or gods made in the likeness of mushrooms, while in Roman civilization, the fungus became a symbol of death fungus (i.e. bringer of death).
The history of mushrooms in ancient civilizations is fascinating and Fungiphilia Rising explores this mysterious world throughout the American West. Created by Madison McClintock, the film reveals the ecological functions of mushrooms and the love people have for natures wonder – the fungi.
“Did you hear the joke about the fungus?
I could tell it to you, but it might need time to grow on you. ”