


Renting a 4x4 and Camping

Viewing Namibia's Geological Wonders

Meeting Fellow Campers and Having a BBQ

Wildlife Viewing at Etosha National Park

Exploring the Dunes of Sossusvlei at Sunrise

Stopping in Solitaire One Too Many Times

Learning from the Himba people

Drinking Windhoek Lager

Visiting the Cheetah Conservation Fund

In a word

Barren and wild

Best Time to Travel 

January - October

Recommended Length of Time

10 - 12 days


The story of how I got to travel through Namibia with one of my now dear friends is worth sharing, so buckle up cause we are about to take a ride on WildAss!

Two days before departure, I received notice that my tour guide through Namibia had mysteriously passed away. Concerned and a little frantic about how I was to travel a country alone, I thought the most logical thing to do was seek advice from my closest friend. Within minutes she had booked her brother a flight and I had a sidekick to travel to a destination we both knew little to nothing about.

For those who have never experienced driving through a foreign country or camping in a tent on top of your car, it defines a “must do”. Within minutes, we named the 4x4 beast WildAss and found ourselves smiling ear-to-ear as we inched along the dirt roads. All we had was bread, beer, and water, but that is truly all we needed as we were both riding high on self-exploration - a paper map, no cell service, a team name of Terrible Monks, and no idea of what lay ahead. Now to give you a little sense, the fine gentleman is named Adam Herbert. A tall man, blue eyes, quick wits, and a geology nerd (or rock enthusiasts, whatever suites) that might have you question your own coolness. We became two brains that made up a science dream team. We made many frequent stops to view through our binoculars the wonders of Namibia’s landscape and wildlife that we considered dangling signs from our vehicle that read, “Caution, geologists and wildlife scientists onboard . . . do not follow closely”.

A lot more of the story entails debacle, mystery, boredom, and sheer amazement for the people, rocks, and wildlife we met on our journey. However, what I reflect upon most is how we just did it. If you are looking for an opportunity to seize exploration, then rent a 4x4 WildAss and experience Namibia.

TravelJackie DelieNamibia