Environmental Emergency in Brazil
From one source to another, I am helping to spread the word on an environmental issue that is happening in Brazil right now. The country is working to overcome a slew of political and environmental issues, especially in the wake of the upcoming summer Olympics. However, this should not deter us and the people of Brazil from standing together and ending an amendment that would have devastating effects on Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest and Indigenous populations.
The amendment, known as “PEC 65”, was approved in April by the Senate Commission that would allow fast-tracking of large damns and major infrastructure projects. If ratified, the law would effectively eliminate Brazil’s environmental licensing process for infrastructure development and would stripe indigenous groups of protections now provided by Brazil’s infrastructure project licensing.
The politician leading the effort is Senator Blairo Maggi. Maggie would benefit greatly from this law as he owns the Amaggi group, a large company that produces, harvests and exports soybeans. Estimated at a net worth of $960 million, Senator Maggi would gain even more by the building of the dams and canals proposed for the Amazon’s Tapajós basin.
Usually, there is amply time for debate and public oversight when a new amendment is being pushed through. Yet as it stands, congress is absorbed in the current political turmoil and little attention is being paid to other constitutional amendments. There is a secrecy with which the amendment was pushed forward by Senator Blairo Maggi and together we need to bring it to light.
Please share this message and stand up with Brazil in an effort to protect the Indigenous people and their environment.
Indigenous Brazilian chiefs from the Kaiapos tribe living in the Xingu River basin. Photo by Valter Campanato, courtesy of news.mongabay.com.